Frequently asked questions.

Q: Is dry fogging safe?

A: Absolutely. The AirPURE products are all EPA approved, green products. They have actually been muscle tested by some of the leading practitioners in the nation against their most sensitive clients and have never shown a negative reaction.

Q: Do I need to get everything out of the house?

A: No, in fact, you want to keep as many of your belongings inside the home as possible. Mold spores get trapped inside fabrics, furniture, and clothing and all those things should be treated as well.

Q: Do I need to put my food away?

A: No, it is safe for food contact. The most important thing is to have people and pets out of the home during the treatment.

Q: Does it kill bugs?

A: They certainly don’t like it and we have seen a lot of scenarios where it has, but the EPA hasn’t approved it as a pesticide so we try to avoid making any claims about bugs.

Q: Will it get behind my walls?

A: We create a 7.5-micron size particle. A mold spore is between 12 and 30 microns. So any place a mold spore can get in and find moisture or can get out into your air, the fog will penetrate those areas. In special situations where we know there has been an issue behind a wall, we can poke a few ⅛ inch holes between the studs and treat the back of the wall directly.

Q: Will I need to clean everything afterward?

A: Not at all. It leaves no residue so your home and all your belongings will be as clean as they were when they were brand new.

Q: How do I know if it worked?

A: Most people will feel relief from mold symptoms, and if desired, air testing sent to a third party lab can confirm indoor air quality.

Q: What will the mold look like after the treatment?

A: The stains created by mold will not go away but we can clean them for you afterward. If you want to do that yourself and save a little bit of money, that’s okay too. Everything will be perfectly safe to handle after the treatment.

Q: Will I need to replace my carpets?

A: Not unless there is something aesthetically that can’t be fixed. The dry fog will penetrate the carpet and the carpet pad. We will make everything safe and then whatever you want to do to make things look nicer is up to you.

Q: How long does it last?

A: If all the moisture and water issues are resolved this is a very permanent solution. With minor moisture issues like high humidity or condensation on windows, we have tested it out about 6 years and have not been able to get mold growth because of the EverPURE. With major water issues, you will only get about 90 days of protection.